Showgirl Pics
Showgirl Essentials
- Typically showgirls are included for 3 hours (the same standard length of gaming time at our casino events)
- Think of showgirls as hostesses in Vegas costumes
- Showgirls do not put on a stage show, but, rather, they float throughout the room posing for pictures, helping distribute play money, etc.
Vegas Showgirls For Your Casino Night

What would a casino be without glitz and glamor, and what would a casino night party be with without showgirls? This just might be the extra touch your party needs to put things over the top! Add just one showgirl or several — either way they'll help transform your party into a Vegas casino.
What would the showgirls do at your party? It's important to note that they're not actually going to put on a stage performance — that's one area where they're different from Vegas showgirls. Otherwise though, most clients will have the showgirls greet guests at the entrance to their event, help to distribute play money at the beginning of the night, and then float around throughout the room/venue, posing for pictures with guests, stopping by the various casino tables. Typically we would schedule the showgirls for the same 3-hour block of time as your casino gaming, but just let us know if you'd like to either adjust the showgirl schedule or even shorten the timing to 2 hours for a slight discount.